A better Bradford

I am delighted to have been appointed on a voluntary, pro bono basis and without political affiliation to the advisory board of the Bradford Place Marketing & Investment Partnership, working alongside officers of Bradford Met District Council to promote the district.

I am an eighth generation Bradfordian, familiar with the city’s history and committed to it emotionally and financially as a homeowner and ratepayer. I recognise that Bradford is on its knees and needs imagination, support and energy to drive its future. I am not planning to move to the countryside or the coast, opine from afar and visit Bradford only to watch BCAFC. I have reached the stage where I thought I should give something back to the place I consider to be home and play my part in its recovery. In that context I make no apology for encouraging a celebration of the history of the district as well as sporting activity and participation as themes shaping our identity.

No-one can pretend otherwise that Bradford has a poor image and suffers negative headlines on an almost daily basis. This has impacted on confidence and a sense of despondency among residents that is invariably given expression on social media. There is no denying that the district has its problems and faces considerable challenges. Yet whilst that may be stating the obvious, what has tended to be overlooked is that there are various initiatives being undertaken across the district which are beginning to develop a positive momentum. The 2025 City of Culture award represents a massive opportunity to drive change and improvement across the district, not only to drive that momentum but also to ensure a legacy for future years and it is vital that the opportunity is grasped and exploited.

My appointment is without fear or favour and I am committed to play a part in helping to shape programmes to both improve and promote the district as a place to live / work, invest, study or just to visit. I believe that everyone committed to the future of Bradford can contribute in different ways because we all have a vested interest. I pledge to do what I can for the benefit of the Bradford district and if I feel that I am unable to make a contribution or if I lose the confidence of fellow board members I shall step aside.